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Helping to develop skilled employees

Apprenticeship solutions that support you from start to finish 

Apprenticeships help employers develop skilled employees where they need them most in their workforce and we’re proud to provide an end-to-end apprenticeship solution that enables apprentices to achieve success.  

We offer extensive pre-programme support, on-programme qualifications and resources, and a market-leading end-point assessment (EPA) service with a 97% pass rate. 

We develop apprenticeships in areas where there is a growing workforce need and exciting opportunities for career progression, such as: 

  • Business 
  • Care 
  • Childcare 
  • Education.
Flexible delivery

Our apprenticeships have been designed to offer flexibility, allowing a diverse delivery programme. From initial diagnostics, online learning, on demand and remotely invigilated assessment for Functional Skills, to the option to carry out apprentices’ EPA online. 

Digital learning

Leading the conversation on the role of apprenticeships 

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