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Preparing for placement programme – phase 2

We are delighted to let you know about the upcoming launch of phase 2 of our preparing for placement programme, helping learners with employability skills.

At the beginning of the academic year, we created a pre-placement programme for CACHE learners who may not be able to access their placements.

In this programme, learners will be asked to re-cap on what they have learned during the phase one programme, and will have the opportunity to look more in-depth at employability skills. Each of the headings within the programme are areas which employers will be looking for.

For Early Years Educators or Practitioners, we have linked through to the DfE EYE or EYP criteria that we touch on in each of the sections, so you can see where learners have gained some knowledge around each of the criteria. There are tasks associated to each of the headings which involve the learner completing an activity, which we have provided, or reading case studies and answers questions relating to these.

Phase 2 of our Preparing for Placement Programme will be launched on date.