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Sector insights

The retail industry is vast and vital to the UK economy, employing over three million workers. With a third of consumer spending going through shops, the total value of UK retail sales in 2020 reached an impressive £400 billion.

It’s an exciting time for the retail sector, which continues to evolve and grow following the impact of the digital revolution and the pandemic on influencing our shopping habits. Many consumers now prefer shopping online to spending money in physical stores, and these habits have provided growth in areas such as warehousing and storage operations.

These changes to keep up with consumer habits have also meant that digital skills are now required in up to 79% of UK retail jobs. This is currently causing a skills gap - with the majority of retail leaders struggling to find people with the right experience and capabilities in digital.

NCFE’s retail qualifications offer your learners the relevant skills, knowledge and understanding required to succeed in a career in retail, including areas of digital expertise.

Our qualifications provide a steppingstone for many starting points, supporting learners into employment within the retail industry.

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Qualification spotlight

We offer a range of qualifications to ensure that learners achieve excellence on their journey within the retail industry, so that they’re set up for successful careers in the field. Some of our most popular qualifications include: