Bite-sized English and
Re-engaging learners with an alternative route in English and maths
Boosting learners’ confidence in English and maths can be a huge challenge, but it’s vital that these skills are developed so they can progress in their lives, education and work.
Bite-sized English and maths can boost your learners’ achievement in these crucial areas. Our solutions allow you to build a flexible learning programme that can be used as intervention, confidence-building and as an alternative qualification.
These qualifications are ideal for SEND, ESOL and disengaged learners who will benefit from content that’s practical in nature, which you can mix and match from a huge range of units. High quality resources and exemplar assessment papers are also available to support you. Plus, the low level of administration and no external assessment aspects of these solutions make them even more impressive.
Why offer our bite-sized English and maths solutions?
- With no final assessment, the learner is rewarded for work completed through a programme of study.
- Ideal for embedding across a provision curriculum .
- You only need to claim for what a learner has achieved so that they are fully rewarded.
- Allows learners to receive a certificate for work they have completed if they are only with a provider for a short period of time.
- Structured so that you can apply discreet learning to help re-engage learners.
- You can use a range of assessment methods to record evidence, allowing you to choose the method that suits your learner best.