Adult funding and loans
Many of the qualifications in our Learning for Work portfolio for people aged 19+ are eligible for funding under various government schemes and initiatives. In fact, we design many of our
employability qualifications to align with government initiatives, so individuals get the best outcomes from their time on programme.
Search for our qualifications
Adult Education Budget (AEB)
The Adult Education Budget funds the training of adults with employability skills. Colleges,
independent training providers and local authorities can deliver these funded qualifications, providing
learning opportunities across regions and communities. After completing AEB funded qualifications,
adult learners should be able to progress into work or sign up to an apprenticeship.
Different AEB funded qualifications from NCFE include:
- Continuing professional development (CPD) qualifications offered by employers
- Health and social care
- Digital and media skills
- Business and administration skills
- Low carbon skills
How can I find out if an NCFE qualification is eligible for funding?
You can check our quarterly funding spreadsheet to find out about our fundable qualifications, however the most up to date information on those eligible qualifications can be found on the ESFA website.
AEB in a Devolved Area
Ten devolved Mayoral Combined Authorities manage their own AEB budget, so that they can prioritise their local skills needs. Take a look at our regional learning opportunities page for more information on those areas with a devolved AEB.
Advanced Learner Loans
Advanced Learner Loans are available to eligible learners aged 19 and over who are taking vocational, technical or professional qualifications. These qualifications span levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 as well as A Levels, AS Levels and Access to HE Diplomas. The government pays these loans directly
to a centre on behalf of the learner.
Take a look at our guides to Advanced Learner Loans for providers and learners.
Lifetime Skills Guarantee
The Lifetime Skills Guarantee is a government-backed initiative which is transforming the skills system so that everyone, no matter where they live or what their background, can gain the skills they need to progress in work at any stage of their lives.
Any adult aged 19 and over, who does not already have a level 3 qualification or higher can access an eligible, fully funded level 3 courses.
Visit the government website for more information on funding.
The Restart scheme, part of the government’s Plan for Jobs, will give enhanced support to Universal Credit claimants who have been out of work for between 12 and 18 months, so that they can find jobs in their local area.
The scheme will be delivered across England and Wales in 12 different Contract Package Areas, and referrals are made by DWP to their area contract provider.
Learn more about accessing Restart funded courses on the government website.