E-portfolio systems
E-portfolios are digital versions of traditional, paper-based storage files. Learners can upload their evidence to a secure server where their tutor, assessor, manager, and internal quality assurer can access it.
Digital e-portfolios have many benefits, especially when compared with hard copies, such as:
- Reduced assessment and quality assurance costs
- Information uploaded from any internet-connected device
- Enhanced internal and external quality assurance
- Easier for line managers to check a learner’s progress
- Electronic evidence, such as video, sound files or photographs, can also be stored
- No more lost portfolios
- Safe storage of archived as well as current portfolios
- Learners can see their progress almost immediately.
How it works
E-portfolio evidence uploads are flagged to the learner’s assessor who can assess it immediately from any internet-connected device. Once the evidence has been assessed, the learner is informed which criteria it has met, so that they can see their progress in real time.
Choosing which system to use
There are many e-portfolio systems you can use. Each has been quality-approved by NCFE to make sure it meets our criteria for ease of access, usability, security, audit trails, support, and cost. However, we recommend Skills Portfolio, as it’s a dynamic and comprehensive portfolio management tool with fully integrated qualification tracking.
Learn more about SkillsPortfolio (new link to add)
Other systems to consider
Click on the links to learn more about other e-portfolio systems: