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Online assessment platform surpass moving away from flash

With Adobe dropping their support for Flash from 31 December, you don't have to worry about this when using our online assessment platform Surpass from 1 January onwards.

The Surpass platform has been subject to a huge project to migrate away from Surpass’ dependency on Flash. This means all screens that you need to access will have been converted into the current HTML5 language by the end of December (some already have been). You’ll not experience any issues with accessing the various screens you normally access and there is work being done to ensure all screens behave in the same way.

The SecureClient platform that the learner uses to sit their assessment, has already had a Flash ActiveX control embedded into it, so it doesn’t need to rely on any external resources to load any existing Flash content into it.

From 1 January the whole Surpass platform and SecureClient will be fine to use as you always have.

There will be a slight difference in the way the in-browser (online) practice papers are accessed from our website and full instructions and access will be available on the relevant webpage.