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Delivery roles of apprenticeships - The Employer

The employer 

Apprenticeships offer employers an opportunity to grow their own talent. The employer provides an apprentice with real-life work, supervision and guidance, as well as support from a structured learning programme driven by the training provider. 

Employers can select a training provider from the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers, and agree the cost of training and assessment. 

This includes the cost of the EPA for apprenticeship standards. You must agree this with the provider you select from the Register of End Point Assessment Organisations. 

Apprenticeship funding 

UK employers with a pay bill of £3million or more will pay an apprenticeship levy. They can access this money through the Apprenticeship Service and it can only be used for apprenticeship training and development in their own organisation. 

SMEs with a pay bill under £3million contribute 10% of the total apprenticeship cost and the government pays the remaining 90%. 

The government will fund 100% of the cost of apprenticeship training for a 16-18 year old for businesses with fewer than 50 employees. 

Access full details on apprenticeship funding for employers here. 

Employers must: 
  • Identify and recruit talent for the apprenticeship 
  • Have an apprenticeship agreement in place with each apprentice for the duration of the apprenticeship 
  • Have the apprentice, themselves/a representative and training provider sign a commitment statement (the training provider requires this during ESFA inspections to guarantee funding) 
  • Make sure the apprentice undertakes real, productive work which gives them opportunities to access, develop, practice, and evidence the knowledge and skills they need to meet the standard 
  • Allow the apprentice to attend off-the-job training and assessments as part of their paid working hours 
  • Take part in regular reviews with the apprentice and training provider to review the apprentice's progress 
  • Liaise with the training provider and make the final choice of the end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) 
  • Make sure the apprenticeship lasts for a minimum of 12 months, and the apprentice is employed during the apprenticeship (including the time required for the EPA) 
  • Confirm the apprentice is occupationally competent at Gateway. 



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